
Visit Delft as a travel destination
Delft is situated between Rotterdam and The Hague and is the city of the world-famous Delft Blue ceramics, the birthplace of the ‘Master of Light’ Johannes Vermeer, and has close ties with the Royal House of Orange. Many of the tourist attractions therefore have a link with one or more of these three icons.
Visit Delft and climb the 367 steps to the top of the New Church, the second highest church tower in the Netherlands, you have an amazing view out over the city and the surrounding area.
Not far from the New Church is the Old Church. Both churches have international allure because of all the famous people from Dutch history who have been interred within their walls.
A visit to Delft would naturally not be complete without a visit to one of the local earthenware factories, where you can see and experience the world-famous Delft Blue ceramics and pottery being made in the traditional way. In Museum Prinsenhof Delft you can discover the history of the Netherlands. Museum Prinsenhof Delft was the scene of one of the most important events in Dutch history: the assassination of King William of Orange. William of Orange moved into the Saint Agatha cloister in 1572, which was then renamed the Prinsenhof, and which eventually became the Museum Prinsenhof Delft.
And last but not least: get up close and personal with Johannes Vermeer in the city where this world-famous painter lived and worked his entire life. You can discover everything you want to know about the life and work of the master of light in the Vermeer Centrum Delft.
Delft como destino de viagem
Delft está situada entre Roterdã e Haia e é a cidade da mundialmente famosa cerâmica azul (Delft Blue). É a cidade de nascimento de Johannes Printer, o Mestre da Luz, e tem laços estreitos com a Casa de Orange (Huis van Oranje-Nassau). Muitas das atrações turísticas, portanto, têm um link com um ou mais desses três ícones.
Suba os 367 degraus para o topo da Igreja Nova, a segunda maior torre de igreja na Holanda, você tem uma visão incrível da cidade e arredores. Não distante fica a Igreja Velha, ambas atrações turísticas internacionais pelas lápides de pessoas famosas da história holandesa que foram enterradas ali.
Uma visita a Delft naturalmente não seria completa sem uma visita a uma das fábricas locais de cerâmica, onde você pode ver a mundialmente famosa cerâmica sendo feita de maneira tradicional.
Por último, mas não menos importante: entre na história de Johannes Vermeer, na cidade onde este pintor mundialmente famoso viveu e trabalhou durante toda a vida. Você pode descobrir tudo o que quer saber sobre ele no Vermeer Centrum Delft.
Reiseziel Delft
Delft ist zwischen Rotterdam und Den Haag gelegen und ist weltberühmt für die Delft Blau Keramik. Außerdem ist Delft der Geburtsort von ‘Master of Light’ Johannes Vermeer und hat nahe Beziehungen mit dem Königshaus Oranien. Viele Sehenwürdigkeiten haben deshalb eine Verbindung mit einer oder mehreren der drei Ikonen.
Steige die 367 Stufen zur Spitze der neuen Kirche hinauf, der zweithöchste Kirchturm in den Niederlanden. Die Aussicht über die Stadt und Umgebung ist erstaunlich. In der Nähe von der neuen Kirche ist die alte Kirche. Beide Kirchen sind von internationalem Format wegen der Beerdiging vielen Prominenz aus der holländischen Geschichte.
Ein Besuch an Delft ist erst komplett mit einem Besuch an eine der lokalen Porzellan Fabriken.Dort kann man die weltberühmte Delft Blau Keramik und traditionell gemachte Töpfereien sehen und erfahren. Und zum Schluß vertiefen Sie sich näher und persönlicher in Johannes Vermeer. Der weltberühmten Maler lebte und arbeitete sein ganzes Leben in dieser Stadt. Alles was Sie wissen wollen über sein Leben und seine Arbeit, können Sie entdecken in das Vermeer Zentrum Delft.
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