
Antwerp as a travel destination
Belgium’s second city and biggest port is Antwerp and without a doubt, this charming city is the country’s capital of cool. It’s long been a powerful magnet for everyone from fashion lovers and club queens to art lovers and diamond dealers. In the mid-16th century it was one of Europe’s most important cities and home to baroque superstar painter Pieter Paul Rubens. There are numerous places to admire his works across the city and there is the Rubens House Museum. Also Museum Mayer van den Bergh, MAS Museum with a panoramic view of the city, Cathedral of our Lady and Red Star Line Museum (Red Star Line transported more than two million passengers from Antwerp to America) are definitely worth a visit.
Despite many historical travails thereafter, and severe WWII bombing, Antwerp retains an intriguing medieval heart with plenty of café-filled cobbled lanes, a riverside fortress and a truly impressive cathedral. The old city centre is steeped in history. You will find it in ancient building-fronts on narrow streets (like the midievel alley Vlaeykensgang), the Beguinage or in the imposing Grand-Place. The Plantin-Moretus Museum is the only museum in the world to be classified as a Unesco World Heritage site. In the shadow of the Cathedral of Our Lady, the city teems with life in intimate pubs and restaurants. The banks of the Scheldt are a great place for a breath of fresh air. Cafés, museums, monuments, historical centre, De Koninck Brewery, Seef Brewery, large harbour.
Today Antwerp’s top drawcards are its vibrant fashion and entertainment scene, along with its startling architectural and cultural contrasts.
We can support with organizing (theme) tours, itineraries and accommodations. Antwerp is easy to combine with other cities in Belgium like Brussels, Leuven, or Ghent. Also cities in Holland, like Rotterdam and The Hague are about one hour driving. For more information, see our contact information and form below.
Antuérpia como destino de viagem
O maior porto da Bélgica está nessa cidade encantadora. Antuérpia é a segunda cidade e capital do diamante e da moda no país. Desde sempre tem sido um poderoso ímã para todos, desde fashionistas e rainhas da discoteca até amantes de arte e comerciantes de diamantes. Em meados do século XVI, foi uma das cidades mais importantes da Europa e casa do pintor barroco Pieter Paul Rubens, como será lembrado regularmente – há vários lugares para admirar suas obras em toda a cidade.
Apesar das muitas dificuldades ao longo da história a partir de então, bombardeios severos durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, Antuérpia manteve um coração medieval intrigante com muitas ruas de paralelepípedos, uma fortaleza ribeirinha e uma catedral verdadeiramente impressionante. Hoje, os principais motivos para visitar a cidade são sua cena de moda e entretenimento vibrantes, além de seus surpreendentes contrastes arquitetônicos e culturais.
Antwerpen als Reiseziel
Antwerpen, die zweitgrösste Stadt Belgiens, besitzt den landesweit grössten Hafen und ist ohne Zweifel die Haupstadt van Cool. Diese bezaubernde Stadt ist seit langem ein starker Magnet für alle, von Modeliebhaber und Club Queens bis Kunstliebhabern und Diamantenhändlern. Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts war Antwerpen eine der bedeutendsten Städte Europas und die Heimat des flämischen Barockmalers Peter Paul Rubens. Sie werden regelmäßig daran erinnert, es gibt zahlreiche Orte durch die Stadt wo Sie dessen Werke bewundern können.
Trotz vieler historischen Mühen danach und schwere Bombenangriffe im zweiten Weltkrieg, behält Antwerpen ein interessantes mittelalterlichtes Herz mit gepflasterten Gässchen reichlich gefüllt mit Cafés, eine Festung am Flussufer und eine richtig beeindruckende Kathedrale. Die besten Anziehungspunkte von Antwerpen heutzutage sind die lebhafte Mode und die Unterhaltungsszene. zusammen mit verblüffenden architektonischen und kulturellen Gegensätze.
Contact / Contato
For more information about tours, packages or accommodations in Antwerp, please send us an e-mail or fill out the form below.
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