Unesco Kinderdijk

UNCESCO Kinderdijk Windmills as a travel destination
Kinderdijk is a village in the the Netherlands’ South Holland province, known for its iconic 18th-century windmills. Its water-management network features 19 mills and 3 pumping stations, plus dikes and reservoirs that control flooding in the polder (low-lying land). Waterways, footpaths and bike trails crisscross the area, leading to the main visitors center and museums in preserved working windmills.
Anyone who has ever tried to dig a hole on the beach is familiar with the problem: the deeper you dig, the more water flows into the hole. In a sense, the western part of the Netherlands is like such a hole. Much of the land here lies below sea level, so we needed ditches, windmills, sluices, and weirs to pump the water out.
Unesco World Heritage site Kinderdijk shows you how the Dutch have been living, struggling and working with the water that defines our country. Our famous polders used to be soggy peat bogs, and they would return to that as soon as we stopped draining these lands with the help of wind mills and pumps.
Kinderdijk como destino de viagem
Qualquer um que já tentou cavar um buraco na praia conhece o problema: quanto mais fundo você cavar, mais água encontra. De certa forma, a parte ocidental da Holanda é como um buraco na praia, grande parte da terra está abaixo do nível do mar, precisávamos de diques, moinhos de vento, escalas e barris para bombear a água.
Kinderdijk, Patrimônio Mundial da Unesco, mostra como os holandeses viviam, lutavam e trabalhavam com a água – que define o nosso país. Nossos famosos pôlderes costumavam ser turfeiras encharcadas, se parássemos a drenagem o local alagaria, por isso eram necessários bombas e moinhos de vento.
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